Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Transcontinental Railroad Act Signed By Pres - 891 Words

In 1860s a great iron band was built between Omaha and San Francisco. That iron band was the Transcontinental Railroad. An engineering feat many thought was impossible. Surprisingly, during the carnage of the Civil War it served as a leap of faith for America that the country will survive. It was fraught with challenges from the start ranging from political to financial. Yet it s completion started a new pivotal era for America. The Transcontinental Railroad connected the citizens of America, linking the East and West Coast in ways not seen at that time. Amid the carnage the Civil War, the United States took a leap of faith concerning its future. That leap was the â€Å"Pacific Railroad Act signed by Pres. Lincoln on July 2,†¦show more content†¦Financial and political challenges for the railroad began before track was even laid. Although California dignitaries heralded the railroad would bring â€Å"great wealth and prosperity† to the state. Some were still reluctant to invest in the Central Pacific’s side of the project. The reluctance of the CPRR funders may have been a combination of Judah s rocky relationship with the Big Four and the craziness of the idea itself. How were they to get over the Sierra Nevada? Leland Stanford, Collis Huntington, Charles Crocker, and Mark Hopkins were California’s wealthy railroad tycoons, commonly known as the â€Å"Big Four.† The Big Four, or The Associates,†[2] as they preferred to be called mistreated Judah and froze him out of his own company. After his tussle with The Associates, Judah took ill and left California. He never saw one track of the railroad laid, because he died shortly after in New York. The Union Pacific side was not without its share of troubles. Mainly attributed to the fact that the Pacific Railroad Act didn t specify a starting point for the eastern terminus of the railroad. Thomas Durant, vice-president of Union Pacific, saw this obscurity as a way to cheat the system. In the confusion Durant capitalized and made thousands of dirty dollars† meddling with stocks and moving the starting point from the original location. The problems before theShow MoreRelatedSocial Studies Grade 8 : Immigration Research Project1677 Words   |  7 Pagesthrough the country, and the government could not do anything about it. Italians came to America as transatlantic transportation became more affordable and word of American prosperity came via American recruiters and returning immigrants. Unlike their Pre-Civil War Count erparts, they had a major cultural impact on U.S society. In fact, some words used in the English language were actually borrowed from the Italian one. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Great Depression And World War II - 1507 Words

Faced with the Great Depression and World War II, Franklin D. Roosevelt, nicknamed â€Å"FDR,† guided America through its greatest domestic crisis, with the exception of the Civil War, and its greatest foreign crisis. His presidency—which spanned twelve years—was unparalleled, not only in length but in scope. FDR took office with the country mired in a horrible and debilitating economic depression that not only sapped its material wealth and spiritual strength, but cast a pall over its future. Roosevelt s combination of confidence, optimism, and political savvy—all of which came together in the experimental economic and social programs of the New Deal—helped bring about the beginnings of a national recovery. In foreign affairs, FDR†¦show more content†¦Political Rise and Personal Tragedy Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born in 1882 in Hyde Park, New York, to James and Sara Roosevelt. James Roosevelt was a land-owner and businessman of considerable, but not awesome, wealth. FDR grew up under the watchful eyes of his mother, whose devotion to her only child was considerable, and a host of nannies. At age 14, Franklin s parents sent him to the Groton School, a prestigious boarding school in Massachusetts. At Groton, FDR grew increasingly fond of his distant cousin, Theodore Roosevelt, a rising star in the Republican Party. FDR went on to Harvard College, where he spent more time on the college newspaper than he did on his studies. While at Harvard, FDR apparently declared himself a Democrat and began courting his distant cousin, Eleanor Roosevelt. Franklin and Eleanor were married in New York City in 1905, a few months after FDR began law school at Columbia. Roosevelt had little interest in the law, however, and his attention soon turned to politics. He ran successfully for the New York State Senate in 1910 and was re-elected in 1912. In 1913, he joined the Wilson administration as assistant secretary of the Navy and played a key role in readying the United States for entry into the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Personal Narrative Not an Ordinary Tuesday Essay Example For Students

Personal Narrative Not an Ordinary Tuesday Essay In the first semester of my freshman year in high school, our school was overtaken by what we thought was a Russian militia. It turned out to be a training exercise for the National Guard, and an educational experience for us as students. It had a profound and lasting effect on me. From that day forward when I would see news of a school in Russia or other similar countries overtaken and held hostage I knew firsthand the fear that they felt. For me it was an educational experience, but for them it is a way of life. It was an ordinary Tuesday morning at Texas High School, or so I thought. I was a headstrong freshman in the innocent pre-terrorism days before 9-11. I was above average academically, and possibly sub-par socially, but I was merely trying to get acquainted with my new surroundings. My biggest challenge was just trying to avoid upper class bullies. Everyone was filing into the gym before the bell would ring that would signify that start of another uneventful day. Everyone went to talk to their friends in groups as though we were caucusing for political office. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The same teachers were uninterested providing supervision, as though they had been called to jury duty for a traffic stop, but little did we know that this was not just any Tuesday. About five minutes before the opening bell rang we heard an awkward roar, which just seemed out of place, coming from the rear of the building. What seemed like instantaneously the doors on the back of the gym simultaneously flew open as though they were being ripped off of the hinges by a tornado. The football field was situated directly behind the gym so that when all of the doors were open you had a panoramic view of the field. All I could see were helicopters. Then what seemed like an innumerable force of men blacked out from head to toe equipped with fully automatic assault rifles came through the doors. We were ordered to get on the floor and not make a sound, which was not hard for me because I was already there. It took several seconds for, the girls mostly but some guys also, to control their emotions to comply with the command given. Terror raced through the gym as if it were a contagious disease spreading at an epidemic rate. So many questions raced through my mind about what was happening as I was lying there defenseless. Was I going to graduate? Would I have kids? What would my future be; would I even have a future? In that instance you try to figure out what is going on as if trying to break some clandestine code. The truth is that no one knew what was happening. The group that had taken over our school was unlike any I have ever seen before. They took orders from one man as if he were the only one that had voice capable of speaking. He spoke in what I thought was Russian; although admittedly I am not a foreign language major. Once they had the gym completely under control they brought our principal into the gym at gunpoint. You could hear the scattered whimpers and squelches, of those who had not completely bridled their emotions, speckled throughout the gym. He spoke to our principal in whatever language it was; which he in turn told us that we were being held hostage and that if we did what we were told everyone would be fine. After the longest thirty minutes of my life; American troops stormed the gym like a D-day reenactment. Only they did not attack the foreign force; on the contrary they start shaking hands with them as if they had just played a friendly softball game. Then we were informed as to what had just taken place. he National Guard was performing an exercise on foreign hostage situations. Little did we know that the commander of the National Guard in Texas had a brother that was a high school principal, not just a principal, but our principal. .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435 , .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435 .postImageUrl , .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435 , .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435:hover , .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435:visited , .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435:active { border:0!important; } .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435:active , .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435 .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2810ec35bbaf35cb7861fbf917832435:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Supernatural event EssayOur principal and his brother received awards for their creative way of teaching us the benefit of living in America and making us aware of events that actually occur in other parts of the world. Some kids were notably upset as were their parents. I on the other hand took it as a way of relating to other people and the struggles they deal with every day. My parents always had the â€Å"things were a lot harder when we were growing up† attitude so they didnt have a problem with it either. The reality that this sort of thing actually happens in parts of the world hit home that morning. A place that once represented shelter and serenity had now lost that innocence. Here, where we once felt safe, we would no longer regardless of the simplicity of this event. They took our freedom temporarily, but more importantly they took the innocence of our future. On 9-11, the emotions I felt that day rushed back as though it were yesterday. We would no longer be naà ¯ve when coming to school. Every time I entered that gym from that moment on I thought of the fear and anxiety I felt that day. One thing was for sure that was not an ordinary Tuesday. In fact, there would never be another ordinary day.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Accommodation Management of Hilton Hotels& Resorts †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Accommodation Management of Hilton Hotels. Answer: Background of the selected hotel the department- Hilton Hotels Resorts is one of the most popular names in the global hotel industry. The chain is popular for many things that also include the sustainability approach, which is rare in existence. However, outsourcing is now much in practice that carries both advantages disadvantages with it (Plugge, Bouwman and Molina-Castillo 2013). This particular study is aimed at analyzing the viability of outsourcing of the selected department to get the expected benefits. The selected department to proceed with is the Kitchen Cleaning. Kitchen needs to be kept clean to prevent hygiene related damages done to the foods and the cooking utensils (Ariffin and Maghzi 2012). This is indeed a very vital department from the perspective of serving the customers needs. Notably, Customer service is a key to the success of the hospitality industry. Hotel sectors probably need to put much emphasis on customer service. The much needed customer service in the hotel sector is achieved with the help of numerous factors such as the efficiency of the accommodation manager to take appropriate decisions suitably. Their orders are delivered in this department. Keeping this clean and free from Rodents Pests are the two challenges that puts pressure on the respective hotel. Hotels are needed to back up the food preparation and keeping the premise clean tidy with capable strategies and sufficient number of workforce. Additionally, they are also required to keep the expenditures low. This is necessary to widen the gap between the expenditures and the Return on Investments (ROI). Such identified requirements can be attained by resourcing the cleaning works of the department (Darko, Mills-Robertson and Wireko-Manu 2015). This may serve a dual purpose, which is to enhance the customer service standard and increasing the profitability margin. Keeping the premise free from Pests is necessary to avoid food contamination that may result in food poisoning. Henceforth, this is threatening for the hotels reputation. Cleanliness and sanitation are the key aspects of hotels kitchen. Outsourcing the function alities will reduce the pressure from the existing workforce (Upadhyay, Vadam and Mohan 2015). Identifying the selected department in terms of roles, tasks functions- Roles Hotels kitchen plays an important role in producing, retaining and raising the reputation of the company. It does so through offering quality and hygienic foods to customers or the visistors. The two identified variations depend much on the safety measures in the kitchen and the quality workforce. An efficient safety measure ensures the avoidance of food contamination, which is quite possible if effective pest control is not in action. Quality workforce ensures a quality production of food (Upadhyay, Vadam and Mohan 2015). Tasks The kitchen department in hotels has the task to deliver the order on time with quality and hygienic food. The purpose can be served with the help of some factors such as using a capable pests control measures, recruiting the efficient professionals and implementing the latest technologies. The use of effective preventive measures will prevent the food from food contamination, which is necessary to raise the customer service standard. Efficient professionals will help in preparing quality food and will keep the premise clean. The use of technology will ensure a quick preparation of food, which is necessary to reduce the delivery time (Mirela and Borza 2014). Functions The functionality of the kitchen is to deliver the innumerous kinds of orders within the hotels scope. Functions also include keeping the raw materials free from Rodents and Pests. Keeping the premise clean are the other functionalities. Monitoring the entire functionalities of the kitchen is also one of the essential functions (Penner, Adams and Rutes 2013). Role of customer customers needs from the department- Role of customer and their needs do have a very high influence on the kitchen department. This actually encourages them to take numerous strategies and invest a huge sum on the entire process. Customers are the one who drive the business for the hotels. Their demands can be different in nature; however, food preparation is their essential task. This is a very vital sector where different brands are tested on terms of food quality and the delivery time. Such restaurants are most preferred by the customers that specialize in quick delivery of quality food. Such demands can be served if the respective hotel has adequate staffs to support the entire process. Additionally, the use of latest technologies to manage the stock and to prevent the foods from pests do also support in enhancing the customer service standard (Lu et al. 2015). Customers responses can also hamper the reputation of the respective hotel. There can be ample number of factors, which could make the customers feel unsatisfied. Such factors are low quality food, unclean ambience, customer service and the price range. Low quality food in particular can be affected from a less cleaned kitchen and also from unprotected raw materials the cooking utensils. Such failures can be prevented if the entire functionalities are operated in a systematically designed premise. Such purpose can be served through recruiting the local professionals. However, outsourcing the few of the functionalities may effectively reduce the average expenditures (Lamminmaki 2012). Role of accommodation manager in serving the customers needs- Role of accommodation manager is of high importance as it handles the few of the core functionalities of a hotel. Such functionalities include the maintenance of human resources, inventory and budget. It is the responsibility of the accommodation manager to ensure that skills professionals are hired. Additionally, this will also ensure that quality training has been imparted to the professionals. It is also within his or her scope to ensure whether the raw materials are up to the quality standard of health safety and hygiene. Infrastructure maintenance is also their responsibilities. They are also responsible to have positive attitudes and interpersonal skills as this will improve their communication with the employees and the customers.Effective management strategies can help to attract customers for multiple times. Customer satisfaction is an intangible factor for the businesss growth (Chan 2013). Evaluating the viability of outsourcing- Outsourcing the Kitchen Cleaning business to expert resources may produce ample of benefits and the drawbacks as well. Benefits Outsourcing will provide full time employed professionals who will be available to take care of the cleaning works. This will also help in reducing the expenditures, which are normally required to keep the kitchen premise clean. Outsourced employees are available at comparatively low wages. This will significantly reduce the expenditures on employees and hence, this will produce a reduction in the gross expenditures. Such things are necessary to enhance the profitability margin. Outsourcing will also provide additional services such as security features. Respective personnel will not be required to head for a different agency for different task. With the outsourced agencies, cleaning works will be ensured. This is indeed very difficult with the local staffs. They are expected to deliver the cleaning jobs on time as they are professionally trained cleaners. Moreover, outsourcing owners will be responsible for any shortfalls in the service level (Chang and Gurbaxani 2012). Drawbacks There are few drawbacks as well. Companies do not have their direct control over the selected outsourced agency. This may cause the communication to hamper. Such communication gap might hamper the quality of work as well as any complaint will take time to get resolved. Additionally, switching over to another outsource company will not be a fairer idea either. In addition to the identified issue, staffs of outsourced agencies might escape away for a better option. This will hamper the workforce and will also hamper the daily tasks. Filling the gaps by recruiting the fresh staffs will not be a productive idea either (Tayauova 2012). Conclusion Hilton Sydney Hotel should go for the modernistic approach, which is to hire an outsourcing agency to get some tasks done from them. This move will help the company to reduce its expenditures on the cleaning works in the kitchen department. Moreover, the cleaning work will now be made possible at a comparatively low expenditure. This will consequently help to enhance the profitability margin. Staffs will be available to take care of the cleaning works, which means the premises will be kept cleaned for a longer period of time. Outsourcing the kitchen cleaning task will bring other benefits as well such as additional services. Some outsourcing agencies provide multi-tasking benefits. Despite the entire benefits, outsourcing does also carry many much drawbacks with it. One of such drawbacks is the attrition, which can be a common issue with the outsourced staffs. They are irregular hunt for a better option. Such attrition can hamper the daily tasks in the Hilton Hotel. There exist a com munication gap in between the outsourced agencies and the parent company. Such communication gap can affect the proficiency level required to attain the set objectives. Training is required on the work module. Moreover, this is possible that effective modules have not been delivered to the external staffs. Recommendations It is unpractical to avoid the expected attrition. However, accommodation manager can play a very vital role here. The manager will be required to impose some strict work policies on the outsourcing agencies. The manger should ask for a quick repairing of any attrition if at all it happens. The agencies should be given strict guidance to provide an immediate repairing of the attrition. Moreover, there should be a good relationship in between the outsourcing agencys owner and the accommodationmanagement of the hotel. Staffs are also needed to be aware of the cultural values of the hotel. This will help them integrate with the organizational values. Communication gap is another challenge, which could hamper the performance. This can be improved by putting the employees on continuous training processes. Training will help the employees understand their work and most importantly, the cultural demands of the hotel for which they work. Moreover, the accommodation manager of the Hilton Hotel needs to visit the selected outsourcing agency on a regular basis. A continuous communication is also required to be established through professional means like e-mails. This will help to circulate the important instructions to the outsourced branch. References Ariffin, A.A.M. and Maghzi, A., 2012. A preliminary study on customer expectations of hotel hospitality: Influences of personal and hotel factors.International Journal ofHospitality Management,31(1), pp.191-198. Chan, E.S., 2013. Managing green marketing: Hong Kong hotel managers perspective.International Journal of Hospitality Management,34, pp.442-461. Chang, Y.B. and Gurbaxani, V., 2012. Information technology outsourcing, knowledge transfer, and firm productivity: An empirical analysis.MIS quarterly,36(4). Darko, S., Mills-Robertson, F.C. and Wireko-Manu, F.D., 2015. Evaluation of some hotel kitchen staff on their knowledge on food safety and kitchen hygiene in the Kumasi Metropolis.International Food Research Journal,22(6). Lamminmaki, D., 2012. A management accounting perspective on hotel outsourcing.Accounting and Financial Management, p.341. Lu, C., Berchoux, C., Marek, M.W. and Chen, B., 2015. Service quality and customer satisfaction: qualitative research implications for luxury hotels.International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research,9(2), pp.168-182. Mirela, S. and Borza, M., 2014. Measures Concerning Sustainable Consumption in Hotels.Acta Universitatis Danubius. conomica,10(3). Penner, R.H., Adams, L. and Rutes, W., 2013.Hotel design, planning and development. Routledge. Plugge, A., Bouwman, H. and Molina-Castillo, F.J., 2013. Outsourcing capabilities, organizational structure and performance quality monitoring: Toward a fit model.Information Management,50(6), pp.275-284. Tayauova, G., 2012. Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing: analysis of outsourcing practices of Kazakhstan banks.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,41, pp.188-195. Upadhyay, A., Vadam, C. and Mohan, S., 2015. Sustainable Operations in Hotel Industry. In26th Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Annual Conference.