Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Entrepreneurship for Journal of Experimental- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Entrepreneurship for Journal of Experimental Psychology. Answer: Introduction Social entrepreneurship is the process of building enterprises that work towards addressing social, cultural or environmental issues[1]. Social entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in the longer term survival of our society. There are various leading social entrepreneurs that have been putting efforts in making this world a better place. Their journeys are a source of inspiration and continue to improve the sustainability of the world. Muhammad Yunus is a social entrepreneur who launched The Grameen Bank which is aimed at providing microfinance to those in need in order to make them self-sufficient. The man has also shared his expertise on micro financing and social capitalism through a number of books. The bank has a net income of over $10 million[2]. Similarly, Scott Harrison founder of the non-profit organization Water has been working towards shortening the bridge between the clean water and people. The lack of clean water and the dearth faced by his fellow mates inspired him to work towards this change and currently this charity has delivered clean drinking water to more than a million people in 17 different countries. Organization: Rio Tinto Description of the event Rio Tinto has recently been in the news for the amount of havoc the organization has caused to the environment. The metals and mining corporation has had to shut to down various mines due to the extent of pollution caused by them. The organizations actions are continuing to harm the environment and its people even today[3]. The nature of Rio Tintos work makes a certain extent of pollution understandable. However, the magnitude of the damage done by Tinto has surely crossed a line. Feelings It disheartens me to see such leading names being so discreet about these issues. I feel that it is of utmost importance that we take a certain amount of responsibility for the environment that we live in. While researching about this project, I came across this issue and I have tried to dig deeper on the same. It is largely demotivating to see such a respected organization running away from its responsibility and showing a lack of efforts towards fixing the destruction caused. Actors involved There are various actors involved in the process. This includes Rio Tinto Authorities and their top management who are primarily responsible for the situation that has been created. Secondly, the local population of the mining areas like Bougainville who are directly impacted by the current state of the area are also important actors in the process. Thirdly, the governments role is also crucial because that is the body which forms rules and regulations that prevents organizations from harming the environment above and beyond a certain level. Therefore Australian governments department of environment and energy is also an important actor. Lastly, all of us as individuals and residents of this planet are actors to this problem as it is sure to impact us all in the longer run. Evaluation: Rio Tintos efforts on the situation Rio Tinto has also taken a few steps to compensate for the damage created by them. The organization is preparing for a low carbon future. The company supports the Paris agreement. They are working towards substantial decarbonisation of their business by 2050. The organization is also working towards responsible water management and minimizing biodiversity impacts Analysis The impact of the social initiative by Rio Tinto has helped the environment and also worked at saving the organizations brand positioning in the public eyes. There has been a 7% decrease in the companys greenhouse gas emissions intensity since 2015 (Rio Tinto, 2018)[4]. Conclusions: My Learnings from the experience Through this research I have learnt that the organization has been putting certain efforts to save our planet and enhance their productivity as a firm. However, the amount of damage done is catastrophic and it will be very difficult for the planet to recover the price that it is paying for Rio Tintos business. I have also learnt that it takes a very long time for any part of earth to recover, once it has been damaged by us. Therefore even a small action that may harm the planet must be very well thought of. Action: Recommendations for the future There are various efforts that Rio Tinto could have made in order to fulfill their responsibility towards the planet. The damage done cannot be immediately repaired but some efforts can definitely made to lower the impact of the same in the short term as well as in the long term. The recommendations to Rio Tinto are as below: Keep pollution controls in check throughout the entire mining process. Bring together a strict and focused board of people whose sole responsibility would be to keep the environmental impacts of the Tintos actions in check. Build green offices like Adobe which have effective waste management, carbon reduction and plastic disposal techniques in place[5]. Provide training to employees regarding the impact of the companys actions on the environment Promote environment friendly behavior in offices: Use low energy consuming lights, use email for internal communication, avoid printing papers, replace plastic cups by steel, aluminum, copper, paper or glass cups and finally install waste disposal and water saving technologies. Conclusion Through this research, I have learnt the role of social entrepreneurship. Had it not been for so many social entrepreneurs across the globe, the environments situation would have been much worse. There are leading organizations that are harming the environment. The large amount of time taken by the planet to recover from the current damage will make it even more difficult for us to survive. Therefore, it is about time that we work towards recovering from our current scenario rather than making it worse. References Cnovas, C.R., Olas, M. and Nieto, J.M., 2014. Metal (loid) attenuation processes in an extremely acidic river: the Rio Tinto (SW Spain).Water, Air, Soil Pollution,225(1), p.1795. Nieuwenhuis, M., Knight, C., Postmes, T. and Haslam, S.A., 2014. The relative benefits of green versus lean office space: Three field experiments.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied,20(3), p.199. Rio Tinto. 2018. Protecting the environment. Available from https://www.riotinto.com/ourcommitment/protecting-the-environment-21468.aspx. Accessed on 13 March, 2018. Todres, M., 2016.Exploring The'Social'In Social Entrepreneurship: Applying The Concept of Network Sociality To Social Entrepreneurs(Doctoral dissertation, University of Kent). Yunus, M., 2015. Profit-Not for Profit Convergence to Achieve Sustainable Value. A Conversation with Muhammad Yunus.Review of Environment, Energy and Economics-Re3

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